Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Meeting with the Crew's Families

With parent weekend just happening, I feel more knowledgeable about my roommates. I met the relatives of all of my roommates and I became acquainted with them. I had the honor of meeting Hunter's grandmother, Ryan's father and younger brother and Nick's parents. I did get to talk to them for a bit. I liked trying to picture the physical similarities. I also liked observing how they treated each other and how they got along.

Just after coming back from Habitat from Humanity, I was invited to spend the evening in the house belonging to Nick's grandmother. It was pleasurable experience as I had the privilege of meeting Nick's aunt and uncle as well. I got to learn a little about their family history and about other members of the family. We also had some small talk which just let know a little more about the in general. Coming from a Greek background, I could see how part of that culture still existed in the family. What I liked the most about going there was seeing the living room wall which had more family pictures than I could count. We ate homemade Mexican food which was delicious.

Overall, by learning about the families and spending time with them, I feel much closer to my roommates. I learned about their separate lives and how I related to them with my own family.

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